Shoring scaffolds

In building construction and infrastructure projects, shoring scaffolds are used to stabilize the structural integrity of an old or new structure, e.g. bridge support, roofs or concrete decking.

We use Layher's modern, versatile system scaffolding and supplements with, e.g. HAKI's Tripod system when the existing structure cannot handle the entire scaffold load.

Our customers benefit greatly from having one and the same partner for all its scaffolding and shoring needs as the material used is partly the same and can easily be transferred between different parts of a project.

XERVON has the resources an expertise for both complex and time-critical scaffolding and shoring assignments. For large projects, we have access to the entire XERVON Group’s material pool as well as close partnerships with qualified subcontractors.

Satisfied customers return

Security, quality and total economy are crucial to our customers.
Read more about how we contribute to efficient building-, construction- and industrial projects customers

// A company of the REMONDIS Group
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    XERVON Sweden AB
    Symmetrivägen 27
    196 37 Kungsängen
    F +46 10 4821040

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